New England Quilt Expo
Book your room at the hotel today:
Guests are able to make guestroom reservations by calling the hotel directly at 603-625-1000 or via our group link: USE Group Code 90H
Sponsors: Handi Quilter, Y.L. I. Threads, Bits n Pieces Quilt Shop, Paradise Quilting, Patches Quilt Loft & Embroidery & TNT Quilt Boards, Nashua Sew & Vac, Crinkle Dreams
Vendors 2025 - Ask Adele, Bits N Pieces Quilt Shop,Bittersweet Fabric Shop,Cat Den Mountain Quilts,Handi Quilter,Leila's Sttich Haven,Lumbargo LTD,Legit Kits,Martelli Enterprises, Mogollon Rim Woodworking, Nana Nancy's Sew Unique, Nashua Sew & Vac, Night Owl Quilting Studio, Necchi Sewing Machines, Paradise Sewing & Gift Studio, Paradise Sew and Vac, Patches Quilt Loft & Embroidery, Pine Tree Quilt Shop, Pintuck & Pearl - Bernina, Purrfect Pastimes, Redfern Enterprises- Eurosteam Iron, Sally's Emporium, Sew There, Oil Cloth & Designs, SER Wellness Services, Soke LLC, Sue's Fabric World, Simply Sandy, Superior Threads/Cotton Candy Fabrics, TNT Boards, ,Tula, Tula,Western Maine Machine -Innova, Wood Turnings by Cynthia, Y.L.I Thread,
Hugs Of Love
Fisher House
Quilts of Valor
Pillow case Group
Little House Cottons maybe